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Ein Wochenende Mitte August

Our parents came to visit us mid-August, so we decided that this is a great opportunity  to do that together. We all embarked onto the old ship "Henrik Ibsen" (see box) at Skien on a Friday morning at 8 o'clock. The boat was maybe half booked so plenty of space for everybody.


We were quite lucky with weather, with sunshine and up to 21 degrees forecasted. In the morning, it was still pretty crisp and fellow travellers who went straight to the open sitting area in the front of the boat quickly picked up the blankets provided or went to the back side of the boat altogether where it was less windy.

City hall in Skien

City hall in Skien

Starting point in Skien

Starting point in Skien

Ibsen leaving a lock

Ibsen leaving a lock

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

Lake view

Lake view

Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen

Lunde lock

Lunde lock

Hard work to open the locks

Hard work to open the locks

Flooding a lock

Flooding a lock

Vrangfoss, 5 locks in a row

Vrangfoss, 5 locks in a row

Vrangfoss, 5 locks in a row

Vrangfoss, 5 locks in a row

View alongside the channel

View alongside the channel

View alongside the channel

View alongside the channel

The Dalen hotel at night

The Dalen hotel at night

Dalen hotel

Dalen hotel

Dalen hotel

Dalen hotel

Quick stop at the Eidsborg stave church

Quick stop at the Eidsborg stave church

Unser persönlicher Extra-Tipp

  • Kurz vor Vrangsfossen von Bord gehen (wird angekündigt), die 15 min bis zur nächsten Schleusenanlage gehen und dem Boot bei der Passages der 5 Schleusentore zusehen


Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe:

  • Falls man irgendwie das Auto nach Dalen bekommt, lohnt es den Rückweg nach Oslo über Rjukan, Heddal und Notodden zu wählen


Mehr Informationen


Für einen größeren Ausschnitt in einem neuen Fenster einfach auf die Karte klicken


Entfernung von Oslo

  • 130 km / 1,75 std mit dem Auto von Oslo nach Skien, 10 std mit dem Boot nach Dalen, 4 std mit dem Bus zurück nach Skien (oder andersherum)



  • Bootstour durch abwechslungsreiche Landschaften

  • 18 altmodische Schleusentore an 8 sehr unterschiedlichen Stellen

  • Ein Abendessen und Übernachtung im Dalen Hotel runden den Ausflug ab.



Die Schleusen


To get pass the 18 locks at 8 locations takes 4 hours alone but is of course also one of the main attractions of the tour.


The locks are manually operated, but you see the same 2 guyes at all locks as they follow the boat by car. Most interesting is probably the Vrangsfoss locks with its 5 chambers, lifting the boat in total 23m.

Mit Henrik Ibsen durch Kanäle und Schleusen


The next 10(!) hours of "boating" were just great, in particular the narrow bits of the channels of course and first and foremost the 18 locks (see box) our boat had to master.  Actually all of them so narrow that you could touch the stone walls from the boat - and that the boat bumped into them from time to time.

Otherwise it's just a pleasure to see the beautiful landscape and shore with lots of typical white wooden houses passing by. In the meantime, you sit either in the sun in the front or under the sun roof in the back with a glass of beer or wine of whatever you fancy. On board you get a small but decent selection for breakfast and lunch or snacks for the little hunger in between.

The last long stretch to the final stop at the Dalen hotel is to cross Flåtvatn, Kviteseidsvatn and Bandak which reminded us more of the fjord Norway again with its higher mountains and steep rocks dipping straight into the water.


Dalen Hotel


Of course, finishing the great long boat trip with a stay, or at least a dinner, at the fantastic Dalen hotel is just the thing to do if the have the time (see extra entry on Dalen under "South trours").


Either way, you get by bus back to Skien in about 4 hours, with a short photo stop at the Eidsborg stave church if you have a kind bus driver as we had.



Ein Tag auf dem Boot von Skien nach Dalen

Im Stil des vorvergangenen Jahrhunderts über 5 Seen und 18 Schleusen während die Landschaft an einem vorbeigleitet.

Letzte Aktualisierung August 2015

Ein langer Tag

Henrik Ibsen (oder Victoria) 


The M/S Henrik Ibsen is a historical 100 feet long passenger boat from 1907 sailing the Telemark Canal during the summer season. Originally and until 1970 the boat was operated in the area around Gothenburg, but then completely refurbished and used as a channel boat in Telemark since 1990. 

Telemark - Einen Besuch wert?


Als wir damit begannen Norwegen zu erkunden, hatten wir zunächst nicht den Eindruck, dass wir der Telemark besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken müssten. Wahrscheinlich, weil die Landschaft hier weniger spektakulär ist als in den anderen Regionen, so ganz ohne Fjord, Gletscher und hohe Gebirgszüge.


Seit wir jedoch Freunde in Skien haben und ein paar Male mit dem Auto durch verschiedene Landesteile gefahren sind, haben wir unsere Meinung geändert. Und die Tour mit dem Boot durch den Telemarkskanal hat dies endgültig bestätigt.

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